
Into The Woods Coronation Special

In anticipation of King Charles Coronation just around the corner Year 2 & Little Elms started the celebrations in the woods by making flags and nature woodland crowns. They then participated in a dramatic retelling of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak. Fun was had by all.


Stay & Play

You are invited to the Elmhurst Stay & Play Event this Friday, 10th May from 9.30am to 10.30am.

Our Nursery Lead, Mrs King, and the Little Elms team are hosting activities to give you the chance to engage with your child’s learning, explore our educational environment, and connect with other parents within our school community.

The session is FREE and refreshments will be provided.

If you haven’t registered to attend yet, click here, or for more information email marketing@elmhurstschool.net.

We can’t wait to see you!