
Head’s Blog: Back To School

Posted: 3rd September 2021

Back to school displays have been prominent in supermarkets for a while now and, like many pupils returning to the classroom, Elmhurst boys will no doubt be excited and nervous in equal measure about the start of our new academic year. “Will I like my new teacher? Will all my friends be pleased to see me? Will I remember what to do and where to go?” and many other similar thoughts will be floating around. The answer to all of these is “Of course you will!” but as humans we are prone to doubt and building confidence in our boys’ ability to meet new challenges is just one of the ways that we support the development of our young men. 


Like the boys, I too may have a sleepless night on Sunday as I begin my tenure as the new Head of Elmhurst School for Boys. Sleep for me will only be evasive due to my excitement at finally getting to meet the pupils in my care and truly begin our journey of working together. Whilst time in school over the summer break has helped me become familiar with the school environment, it is the time I have spent meeting members of the school community that has really charged my enthusiasm. It is a community of incredible warmth and support demonstrated in numerous acts of kindness over the summer holiday period from the parent buying holiday club four fans in the very warm weather, to supplement our own supply, to the staff willingly re-organising their classrooms in their holiday time, as we move spaces to make for a better pupil experience, and support from the colleagues in our Head Office, for a smooth handover, I have been constantly impressed with the compassion and commitment shown to the school. 


Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my vision for the school with our whole community and driving forward the building blocks that will move us forward. The Elmhurst experience is a special one and together we will be shaping it to be the best it can be for everyone and I am confident, in the words of the Bellevue family of schools mission that ‘together we can’. So sleep well on Sunday night boys: it’s an exciting time to be part of Elmhurst School for Boys and I look forward to meeting you all.


Sara Marriott

Categories: Heads Blog Blog
Open Morning Friday 4th October

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Friday 4th October

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2 Little Elms girls having fun jumping