
Little Elms Nursery (3-4 years)

Elmhurst has recently expanded its educational offerings to include nursery provisions for three-year-olds, responding to parent demand and recognising the significant benefits of early childhood education. The addition of the Pre-Reception class allows young children to begin their learning journey at Elmhurst from a very early age, fostering a strong foundation for their future education. From the moment they arrive at Little Elms, the school’s dedicated nursery program, children are introduced to routines and behaviours that support and enhance their developmental and educational progress.

Under the guidance of Mrs. King and her experienced nursery team,  the young pupils at Little Elms receive tailored support to ensure their emotional and educational needs are met. The team is adept at preparing children for the transition to the main school, helping them feel secure and confident in their new environment. The well-structured curriculum is designed to engage families in their child’s learning process right from the start, creating a collaborative and supportive community around each young learner.

The integration of Little Elms into the broader school community is seamless, with young pupils participating in whole school assemblies, lunch, and playtimes. They also spend time with specialist subject teachers, acclimating to the school’s daily rhythm.

The children take part in a variety of weekly activities including:

  • Forest School
  • Drama Classes
  • Gardening Club (The children are currently growing cucumbers and tomatoes)
  • Art Class
  • Spanish Lessons

Year Round Provision (AYR)

Little Elms offers Year round provisions for children in our nursery. Open for 48 weeks in the year, from 8:15am – 6pm, our specialist Early Years teachers ensure that children, from a young age, are cared and nurtured to become their best selves.

Meals are provided at lunch and tea time for year round pupils, with vegetarian and halal options on offer.

Term Time Only (TTO)

For families ready for the school year, we offer the option of Term Time Only nursery care. Doors open at 8:15am and pick up is at 3:05pm.

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Mrs King explains the importance of an Elmhurst education at Little Elms