Year 3 embarked on an exciting journey to the Planetarium in Greenwich. We travelled by train, disembarking at Maze Hill and ascending the steep hill to reach the Planetarium. Can you guess why it was named Maze Hill? One of our boys was curious and went home to investigate! After taking in the breathtaking view, we observed the Prime Meridian and determined our hemisphere – north, south, east, or west.
Our workshop was guided by an astrologer who enlightened us about the phases of the moon. We discovered that months used to be referred to as “moonths,” a convenient way to recall the time it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth. For the exact duration, you could ask a Year 3 boy!
After lunch, we engaged in a crossword planet activity before heading to the Planetarium itself—a cinematic venue with the screen ingeniously positioned on the ceiling. We ‘visited’ Mars and our moon before returning to school in a more conventional manner.
This delightful experience marked a lovely conclusion to our term’s theme, ‘Illuminated Lives,’ providing valuable support for our studies in Geography, Science, and English.
Mrs Prior