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Elmhurst School is a busy, bustling community that comes together every week day from as early as 7:30am when our before school care begins. Elmhurst’s Breakfast Club runs daily, allowing busy parents to drop their children off from 7.30am each morning where they boys will get a chance to chat with friends and eat breakfast before getting on with their school day.

School day timings

The school day begins at 8.45am, with parents invited to drop pupils from 8:15am every morning. Our extensive car park facilitates an easy run into school and the school gates are manned by senior members of staff each day. Registers are taken on arrival so parents can head off knowing their precious cargos are accounted for.

To ease congestion and ensure the smooth flow of traffic at pick up time, we have adopted a staggered system with year groups leaving at the following times:

Little Elms: 3.00pm
Reception: 3.10pm
Years 1 : 3.15pm
Year 2: 3.20pm
Year 3: 3.30pm
Year 4: 3.40pm
Year 5 : 3.45pm
Year 6 : 3.50pm

The timings are subject to change when boys are taking part in activities that go beyond the normal end of day but parents will be notified in advance.

The after school club programme runs daily as does our After School Club, offering late stays during the week, bookable until 6.30pm.


A busy school life can be hard to keep track of, so to support parents and pupils in managing the demands of the plethora of activities we keep our school calendar up to date. This is published in advance of the term beginning and we try to keep any changes to an absolute minimum. Each week our school’s ‘weekly note’ newsletter serves as a reminder for upcoming events as well as a round up of the week.

Staff support

The school team are on hand to support parents at both drop off and pick up as well as throughout the day. All of our teaching staff can be reached via email although it is worth remembering that a full day of teaching young boys does not leave much room for checking inboxes. We do our best to reply to any emails within 24 hours.

For urgent matters, the school office should be contacted in the first instance and can be reached on 020 8688 0661.

Stay & Play at Little Elmhurst

Come along and experience our nursery setting, meet our wonderful teaching staff and the little ones that makes Elmhurst so special. Suitable for ages 6 months to 4 years.

Monday 24th February from 10am to 11.30am, reserve your space today.

View here and reserve your space