
Year 4 visit the Arc Centre

Posted: 7th October 2022

Recount by Sochimaechi (Year 4 Pupil)

Our tour guide led us to a small, white tent. In the tent, she showed us a series of invertebrates, including an african hissing cockroach, a jade snail, and a tarantula. She then lead us down a gravel path to show us capybaras and said that they were rodents, all rodents are mammals.

We then saw foxes, goats, and a skunk! Skunks don’t like to Spray their gas because it takes them weeks to regain the ability to spray again which is a form of protection for them. In the jungle hut, we saw monkeys and parrots. One of the parrots could dance and kept bobbing its head up and down. We were all so amazed as the parrot repeated this.

We entered the desert hut to see a giant african tortoise crawling ever so slowly around and we all had a go at patting his shell. Opening the meerkat enclosure, we cautiously entered after the tour guide had advised us to keep our hands on our heads and sit on the logs or stand up as the meerkats can be easily agitated and sometimes bite. She placed mealworms on our legs which the meerkats quickly scrambled for as they jumped onto our thighs.

It was a fantastic day. I hope to go back to the Arc Centre again very soon!

Categories: Year 4
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2 Little Elms girls having fun jumping