
Congratulations to our Talented Year 6 Class of 2022

Posted: 1st April 2022

The Year 6s have finished their 11+ exams and most of the offers and scholarships have been made and taken up. Details on this below.
As you can see, the number of schools applied to continues to increase, with Mrs. Marriott’s knowledge of schools in Bromley aiding some parents with their decisions.

We are extremely proud of the plethora of offers and scholarships, denoting the success the pupils have achieved in a range of disciplines, as their talents have been nurtured though school and the enrichment programme.  

Our boys’ final destinations are also linked below and we note that the majority of our boys continue to choose the independent pathway: Trinity and Whitgift being the largest takers of pupils overall.

Congratulations to our talented Year 6 2021-2022 and the hard work of them, their parents and teachers.
-Mr. Cater



2021-22 Leavers' Destinations

Categories: News
Stay & Play at Little Elmhurst

Come along and experience our nursery setting, meet our wonderful teaching staff and the little ones that makes Elmhurst so special. Suitable for ages 6 months to 4 years.

Monday 24th February from 10am to 11.30am, reserve your space today.

View here and reserve your space